Category Archives: Events
Events we are supporting this session (to date!)
Future Events 7th October: Edinburgh Trades Council 1.30–2pm 11th November Remembrance Day 9th December CAAT: Campaign Against the Arms Trade
Events we participated in over the past year
17th June: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom at the Mound 23–25th June : Street Choirs in Leicester 29th June: North Edinburgh women singing at the City Chambers to protest benefit cuts 1st July: React Ceilidh to support refugees 8th July: … Continue reading
International Workers Memorial Day 2016
28 April, International Workers Memorial Day, is a day to remember those who have died through work to pledge our ongoing commitment to improving working conditions around the world. As it does every year, Protest in Harmony played an important … Continue reading
We Speak Earth
Members of Protest in Harmony joined singers from the Open Community Singing Group, Portobello Community Choir and Wildfire to sing a Sami Yoik, We Speak Earth, in support of the Sami community which will be devastated by the increasing effects … Continue reading
Bhopal Commemoration 2015
20 people braved the rain and wind last night to gather at Greyfriar’s Kirkyard to commemorate the 31st anniversary of the Bhopal Gas Disaster. With songs, poetry and statements of solidarity, we remembered all those who have died and been … Continue reading
‘Leave the oil in the ground, sing out now, sing out now’
Protest in Harmony sang with the ‘hundreds of people who joined hands along the Forth Road Bridge yesterday to take a stand against new gas-drilling tactics in Scotland. Joining hands from one side of the two-and-a-half kilometre bridge to the … Continue reading
Vigil for Conscientious Objectors, past and present
Protest in Harmony joined friends from the Peace and Justice Centre for a vigil commemorating Conscientious Objectors today, 15th May 2015. We paused after each verse of ‘Tell me the Names of the Unsung Heroes’ while names of some of the … Continue reading
Body Bags on Portobello Beach
About 15 singers joined Amnesty campaigners as they launched the “Don’t Let Them Drown” campaign on Sunday 26th April. Volunteers zipped themselves into body bags on Portobello beach to highlight “the UK’s shameful response to the rapidly escalating migrant crisis in … Continue reading
International Workers’ Memorial Day
International Workers’ Memorial Day 28th April 2015 Protest in Harmony is proud to be part of this moving ceremony which is held annually at the Workers’ Memorial Day Tree in Princes Street Gardens. We join with politicians, trade unionists, workers and … Continue reading
Singing in parliament as New Zealand legalises same-sex marriage
New Zealand passed a bill allowing legal same-sex marriage Wednesday, prompting a jubilant celebration in the House of Representatives. The bill passed with 77 in favour and 44 against, making New Zealand the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to … Continue reading