International Workers Memorial Day 2016

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28 April, Inter­na­tion­al Work­ers Memo­r­i­al Day, is a day to remem­ber those who have died through work to pledge our ongo­ing com­mit­ment to improv­ing work­ing con­di­tions around the world. As it does every year, Protest in Har­mo­ny played an impor­tant part in Edinburgh’s 2016 com­mem­o­ra­tion. We sang before and after the event on a rainy and cold day at the Work­ers Memo­r­i­al Day tree in Princes Street Gar­dens. Despite the weath­er the event was a mov­ing one, specif­i­cal­ly high­light­ing work relat­ed men­tal health issues and remem­bered those who have died through sui­cide where work played a part. Speak­ers were Paul Holler­an, Nation­al Union of Jour­nal­ists NUJ, Eileen Pen­man, a mem­ber of Protest in Har­mo­ny. telling a per­son­al sto­ry of loss, and Alieu Ceesay, a jour­nal­ist and refugee from the Gam­bia. We sang One Heart Beat­ing, William Mor­ris and Free­dom Come All Ye. The event was organ­ised by Scot­tish Haz­ards Cam­paign and Edin­burgh TUC. Wreaths laid by UNITE, UNISON, NUJ, UCU, FBU, RISE, Scot­tish Haz­ards and Edin­burgh TUC.

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