Protest in Harmony

Protest in Har­mo­ny is a rad­i­cal singing group based in Edinburgh.

We sing songs of protest and strug­gle. We sing about peace, jus­tice, the envi­ron­ment and human rights. We sing at events and demon­stra­tions. Any­one can join us, no expe­ri­ence nec­es­sary, and no audi­tions. We are not affil­i­at­ed to any polit­i­cal, envi­ron­men­tal or reli­gious group. We believe that song can be a pow­er­ful, pos­i­tive force.

We meet one Sat­ur­day each month to learn songs of free­dom and strug­gle from around the world. All are wel­come. Our next rehearsal is on Sat­ur­day 18 Jan­u­ary 2025, from 10am to 1pm at Broughton St Mary’s Church, 12 Belle­vue Cres­cent, Edin­burgh EH3 6NE. Click here for infor­ma­tion on our meetings.

We’re delight­ed that we won the 2018 Trad Com­mu­ni­ty Music Project of the Year!Trad Community Music Project of the Year 2018 winner logo