Vigil for Conscientious Objectors, past and present


Protest in Har­mo­ny joined friends from the Peace and Jus­tice Cen­tre for a vig­il com­mem­o­rat­ing Con­sci­en­tious Objec­tors today, 15th May 2015.

 We paused after each verse of ‘Tell me the Names of the Unsung Heroes’ while names of some of the CO from Edin­burgh were read out.

Oth­ers talked of the expe­ri­ences of fam­i­ly mem­bers or them­selves and we were remind­ed that many peo­ple around the world still suf­fer for their beliefs.

We also sang ‘Gonna lay down my sword and shield, down by the river­side’, ‘The Ones who said No’ and ‘We have sung 1000 songs of peace, and we will sing 10,000 more, for how can we be silent, when the guns still roar?’.

We will con­tin­ue to bear witness.

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