Conscientious Objectors Memorial concert


On Sat­ur­day 20th June Protest In Har­mo­ny took part in a mov­ing cel­e­bra­tion of con­sci­en­tious objec­tors held at the Pleas­ance Cabaret Bar. ‘Unsung Heroes’ was organ­ised by the Edin­burgh Peace and Jus­tice Cen­tre to raise mon­ey towards a Con­sci­en­tious Objec­tors Memo­r­i­al in Edin­burgh, and to remem­ber those who have opposed war, and those who con­tin­ue to do so.

Our own Pen­ny Stone, one of the event organ­is­ers, got the evening off to a rous­ing start with every­body singing ‘Ain’t Gonna Study War.’ There fol­lowed a great line up of musi­cians — Ed Miller, Scott Mur­ray, Pen­ny Stone, Lisa Rig­by, Sylvia McGowan, Fiona Thom & Friends. We sang ‘Unsung Heroes’, The Ones Who Said No’ and ‘We’ve Sung 1000 songs of Peace’ led by our song-lead­ers Jane and Shereen.

The evening was held togeth­er beau­ti­ful­ly by com­père Les­ley Orr who inter­spersed real­ly inter­est­ing his­tor­i­cal facts and sto­ries about COs and the role played by women in the anti-war move­ment. Alto­geth­er a won­der­ful, edu­ca­tion­al and very mov­ing evening in just the right venue!

Hope­ful­ly we will be singing at the CO memo­r­i­al in Edin­burgh next year.

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