On Saturday 20th June Protest In Harmony took part in a moving celebration of conscientious objectors held at the Pleasance Cabaret Bar. ‘Unsung Heroes’ was organised by the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre to raise money towards a Conscientious Objectors Memorial in Edinburgh, and to remember those who have opposed war, and those who continue to do so.
Our own Penny Stone, one of the event organisers, got the evening off to a rousing start with everybody singing ‘Ain’t Gonna Study War.’ There followed a great line up of musicians — Ed Miller, Scott Murray, Penny Stone, Lisa Rigby, Sylvia McGowan, Fiona Thom & Friends. We sang ‘Unsung Heroes’, The Ones Who Said No’ and ‘We’ve Sung 1000 songs of Peace’ led by our song-leaders Jane and Shereen.
The evening was held together beautifully by compère Lesley Orr who interspersed really interesting historical facts and stories about COs and the role played by women in the anti-war movement. Altogether a wonderful, educational and very moving evening in just the right venue!
Hopefully we will be singing at the CO memorial in Edinburgh next year.