Leave the oil in the ground, sing out now, sing out now’

Protest in Har­mo­ny sang with the ‘hun­dreds of peo­ple who joined hands along the Forth Road Bridge yes­ter­day to take a stand against new gas-drilling tac­tics in Scotland.

Join­ing hands from one side of the two-and-a-half kilo­me­tre bridge to the oth­er, pro­test­ers from all over Scot­land and fur­ther afield gath­ered to form the human chain, as car horns toot­ed in sup­port and a bag­piper played.

Signs with mes­sages such as Don’t Drill Our Land and ‘œDin­nae dae it Nico­la, it’s no worth it,‘ were held aloft at both ends of the bridge, before pro­test­ers braved the winds howl­ing down the river.

The protest was held in oppo­si­tion to the prac­tice of Under­ground Coal Gasi­fi­ca­tion (UCG), using chem­i­cals pumped into coal seams to extract gas, that has been pro­posed in the area.

Although the Scot­tish Gov­ern­ment had announced a mora­to­ri­um on the drilling just last week, it was announced a day lat­er that test drilling would be allowed to take place, some­thing organ­is­ers said drove peo­ple back into action.’ (The Nation­al, 12.10.15)image


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