International Workers’ Memorial Day

Inter­na­tion­al Work­ers’ Memo­r­i­al Day 28th April 2015
Protest in Har­mo­ny is proud to be part of this mov­ing cer­e­mo­ny which is held annu­al­ly at the Work­ers’ Memo­r­i­al Day Tree in Princes Street Gar­dens. We join with politi­cians, trade union­ists, work­ers and fam­i­ly mem­bers to remem­ber those who have trag­i­cal­ly lost their lives by going to their work, but also to strength­en the con­vic­tion to fight for the liv­ing, those work­ers who con­tin­ue to be at risk. These risks are var­ied and can be phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al, polit­i­cal or personal.
On a bit­ter­ly cold day a group of thir­ty choir mem­bers ably con­duct­ed by Jane Schon­veld sang three songs: Bam­belele, We Who Believe in Jus­tice and The Free­dom Come All Ye. Thanks to Kathy Jenk­ins who organ­is­es us so well for this every year.

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