1. Deep blue sea baby, deep blue sea
Deep blue sea baby, deep blue sea
Deep blue sea baby, deep blue sea
We want peace in all the lands
And o’er the deep blue sea
2. Sleep my child, you are safe and sound (×3)
for we’ll have peace in all the land
and o’er the deep blue sea.
3. Still today war clouds hang so low (×3)
but we want peace in all the lands
and o’er the deep blue sea.
4. Love of life’s gonna turn the tide (×3)
Yes we want peace in all the lands
5. Deep blue sea baby, … (repeat 1st verse)
Refugee version
1. Deep blue sea baby, deep blue sea (×3)
Ev’ry body has the right to safely cross the sea
2. Many people fleeing hardship and war (×3)
Ev’ry body etc
3. No more bodies washed up on the shore (×3)
Ev’ry body etc
4. Refugees, make them welcome here (×3)
Ev’ry body etc
5. Search and rescue in the deep blue sea,
search and rescue for the refugees,
search and rescue in the deep blue sea
Ev’ry body etc
V1 at end