We’re not going away (happy birthday Faslane Peace Camp 2012)

We’re not going away,
We’ll be here for as long as it takes (x 2)

Tri­dent, oh Tri­dent has got to go
Yes, Tri­dent has got to go
We’ll stay here.
Tri­dent, oh Tri­dent has got to go
Yes, Tri­dent has got to go.

  1. In ’82 the campers came,
    Bear­ing wit­ness at Faslane,
    Sit­ting in the Gare­loch rain
    Day upon day
  2. Liv­ing in com­mu­ni­ty,
    Veg­an stew and cups of tea,
    No lead­ers here — we’re break­ing free!
    Day upon day
  3. Punks and hip­pies, all the gang
    Stand­ing up against what’s wrang
    Liv­ing an alter­na­tive
    Day upon day
  4. One frosty Christ­mas Eve,
    Mali­cious mis­chief up our sleeves,
    There’s San­ta on a sub­ma­rine!
    Day upon day
  5. Peace boats dodg­ing sub­marines,
    Made it to the TV screens,
    ‘No Pasaran’ — you’re stop­ping here!
    Day upon day
  6. Rain­bows arch­ing o’er the loch,
    Rain­bow actions round-the-clock,
    The mul­ti­coloured arms of peace,
    Day upon day


12th June 2012 was the 30th birth­day of the Faslane Peace camp which start­ed in 1982 as a protest to the nuclear sub­ma­rine base.  The 30th birth­day is being cel­e­brat­ed by 30 days of action at Faslane This song was writ­ten to mark both our ongo­ing com­mit­ment to get­ting rid of nuclear weapons and as a cel­e­bra­tion of the resilience of all those who have borne wit­ness and tak­en action at the base. Vers­es 4–6 all refer to spe­cif­ic actions at Faslane.

BBC News arti­cle: Faslane Peace Camp marks 30 years of protest

Her­ald Scot­land arti­cle: Look­ing back: thir­ty years of the Faslane peace camp

Peace News arti­cle: Faslane’s 30 Days of Action

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