Wimmin o’ Dundee

Oh the wailin’ o’ the bum­mer and the clackin’ o’ the looms
Brought the wim­min o’ Dundee oot o’ their beds,
And they walked tae mills and fact’ries and they wrought frae sev­en tae five
And the wim­min kept the bairns o’ Dundee fed.

  1. The men they were’na’ lazy but the work was hard tae find,
    The parish and the means test they’d tae face,
    But a lassie’s hands were nim­ble and a lassie’s wages sma’,
    So the wim­min o’ Dundee worked in their place.


  1. Ma mither an’ ma granny an’ ma aun­ties yin an’ a’,
    Went tae the looms the day they left the school [skale],
    They did­nae work for free­dom, inde­pen­dence or the rest
    They jist worked tae get some kitchen for their kale.


  1. Noo the rhythm o’ their livin’ was the clackin’ o’ the looms,
    Their youth and health and strength was lost tae jate,
    But the weavers and the spin­ners and the winders o’ Dundee
    Had the spir­it that the hard times did­nae bate.


  1. You may boast o’ noble lin­eage and sing o’ yer Heilan’ clan
    And hale­some gal­lant chiefs wha share your name,
    But ma line’s as guid as ony and I’m very proud tae say
    It was frae a Dundee weaver that I came

Cho­rus x2

Rhythm (“sh te ke-ke”) on V3, V3 cho­rus, and last cho­rus but 1


  • Bum­mer — fac­to­ry siren
  • Wrought — worked
  • Kitchen — any­thing served in addi­tion to a plain food
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