March of the Unemployed

One, two, three, four,
Join the march­ing job­less Corps,
No work in the factories,
No more manufacturing,
All the tools are broke and rusted,
Every wheel and win­dow busted,
Through the city streets we go
Idle as a CEO,
Idle as a CEO.

One, two, three, four,
Join the march­ing job­less corps,
We don’t have to pay no rent,
Sleep­ing in a camp­ing tent,
Dump­ster div­ing don’t take money
Every bite we share with twenty,
Let the yup­pies have their wine,
Bread & water suit us fine,
Bread & water suit us fine.

One, two, three, four,
Join the march­ing job­less corps
Work and pay our union dues,
What did years of that produce?
Palaces and fan­cy tellies,
Shiny cars, design­er wellies,
What do work­ers get for pay?
Hun­gry broke and thrown away
Hun­gry broke and thrown away.

One, two, three, four,
Pick your­selves up off the floor,
Unem­ploy­ment march­es on,
So we’ll song a march­ing song,
For a land, a world of justice,
Where no boss’s greed can bust us,
There’ll be work for every hand
In a new and bet­ter land,
In a new and bet­ter land.

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