Scrap Trident March and Rally 27th February 2016

image24 singers trav­eled to Lon­don to join oth­er cam­paign choirs, and many oth­ers from Scot­land and the rest of the UK, to encour­age the gov­ern­ment not to renew the Tri­dent mis­sile system.

(Lat­est news appears to be that gov­ern­ment has by-passed the demo­c­ra­t­ic process and has announced that it will spend a fur­ther £642million on Tri­dent ahead of the Par­lia­men­tary vote.)

The atmos­phere, the weath­er, the crowds and the singing were all great — the lat­ter bril­liant­ly led by Shereen, Pen­ny and Jane.

At Trafal­gar Square there was a major­i­ty of female speak­ers, includ­ing polit­i­cal lead­ers. Nico­la Sur­geon made the obvi­ous point that the UK is in a minor­i­ty in hav­ing nuclear weapons.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly we did­n’t have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sing our unique­ly Scot­tish songs, to the dis­ap­point­ment of one small soul (whose push chair she had aban­doned momen­tar­i­ly) who had been prac­tis­ing the Choco­late Teapot song diligently!

Sad­ly one of the unsung songs (I want to have a lit­tle bomb like you) was writ­ten many decades ago but is still high­ly relevant.

Would­n’t it be won­der­ful if we no longer had to make these heart­felt protests?

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