Moffat weekend April 2016

Our annu­al res­i­den­tial week­end took place at the Well Rd Cen­tre in Moffat.

27 of us had a great week­end of singing, social­is­ing, eat­ing, origa­mi, waltz­ing, Oscars, choco­late spoons and more‘¦ It might have been slight­ly chilly, but we soon warmed up thanks to the love­ly food on offer.

Eileen P. led us in some singing on Fri­day evening and on Sat­ur­day morn­ing the Song Lead­ers put us through our places, we soon warmed the gym up. Pen­ny taught us The Arti­cle 6 Waltz and there were some smart moves in the danc­ing. Although one mem­ber was heard to say that it was dif­fi­cult to har­monise and waltz at the same time. Shereen fair­ly woke us up with Big Sky, for many their first expe­ri­ence of Shape Note Singing. This proved to be quite a chal­lenge, but as ever we all rose to the occa­sion and our voic­es rose as well as we were encour­aged to shout our parts. Poor Jane then had the unen­vi­able task of lead­ing us in a very poignant song about refugees, When Death Was Behind Me.
One of the high­lights, as ever, is the ‘œSat­ur­day Pair­ty‘, very ably com­pered by John and the glam­orous Mag­gie who did a ster­ling job with award­ing the choco­late spoon Mof­fat Oscars. At the end of the evening we were all com­ment­ing on the huge and var­ied tal­ent pool that is Protest in Harmony.
Thanks to Kathy and her able accom­plices of Liz B, Hilary, Hilery and Liz E who made the week­end run seam­less­ly. If you missed it, make sure you are free for next year.

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