Scrap Trident demonstration, April 13th.

At last after long nego­ti­a­tions with Glas­gow City Coun­cil the Scrap Tri­dent Coali­tion can now announce that the assem­bly point for the march and the venue for the ral­ly and speak­ers fol­low­ing it will be George Square.

Assem­ble George Square 10.15am
March starts 10.45am
Ral­ly George Square 11.45am to 1.15pm
This means that unfor­tu­nate­ly the joint singing ses­sion will not now take place, per­haps anoth­er time.

We plan to meet at the cor­ner of George Square near­est Queen Street Sta­tion at Burg­er King, West George Street, at 10.15am. The ban­ner will be vis­i­ble. This is handy for those trav­el­ling through by bus, under­ground or train.

We are to sing 3 songs at the end of the march and these are:

Bin the Bomb
Free­dom Come All ye
We’re not going away

We will be singing from the top deck of an open-topped bus!

This will essen­tial­ly be a per­for­mance so we should know the words of the songs, or at least be very famil­iar with them. This makes such a dif­fer­ence when we can sing out with­out look­ing down at words. It also means that we can look at the song-leader and fol­low her instruc­tions bet­ter. We do sing well, this is a real oppor­tu­ni­ty to put our mes­sage across.

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