Scrap Trident Demonstration 13th April 2013

It was an ear­ly start for the choir to arrive at George Square in Glas­gow for the Scrap Tri­dent demo, but we were there in good num­bers to join with our fledg­ling sis­ter choir. It was a well-attend­ed march which had unfor­tu­nate­ly been grant­ed a rather short route.
We were in good voice as we marched proud­ly behind our colour­ful ban­ner. It was grat­i­fy­ing to see mem­bers of the pub­lic walk­ing with us, tak­ing a song sheet and join­ing in. Many indi­cat­ed that they would like to join the Glas­gow choir.
Back in George Square we wait­ed patient­ly to sing on top of a dou­ble deck­er bus. We lis­tened to the impas­sioned speech­es and pleas for a Scot­land that is Tri­dent and NATO free. The only slight mis­for­tune was that there were too many of us to get up on the top deck to sing, but those of us left out­side made our voic­es heard.

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