1. Ask people what are their hopes for the future,
likelihood is they will say they want peace,
sadly deplore all the world’s many conflicts,
look for a time when they finally cease.
Yet these same people will talk of past glories,
praise our brave armies with pride all aglow,
lovers of peace praising fighters of battles,
never a word for the ones who said No.
2. When the call comes from their king and their country,
most will relinquish the power to choose.
High-sounding words urge them on towards duty,
few are the people who dare to refuse.
Yes, it takes courage to march into battle,
go where authority tells you to go,
whether as butchers or lambs to the slaughter -
courage no less had the ones who said No.
3. Scorned and despised in a culture of warfare,
in many lands they are suffering still,
branded as worthless, as cowards, as traitors,
punished for simply refusing to kill.
Proud politicians and posturing generals
stand on their dunghills and mightily crow.
If they were stripped of their plumage, we’d see them
shamed by the fate of the ones who said No.
4. Ask people what are their hopes for the future,
likelihood is they will say they want peace,
yet pin their hopes upon weapons and armies,
even as damage and danger increase.
Look back to those who have dared to be different,
over the world let their clear courage flow.
Army unarmed, let it swell into millions -
cry Yes to peace with the ones who said No.
- All parts:
- Tune:
- Alto:
- Tenor:
- Bass:
- Score (PDF)