Oh How We Love the NHS

Pen­ny Stone, Jan­u­ary 2020


Oh how we love the NHS,

We love the work­ers who do their best,

Under dif­fi­cult cir­cum­stances get­ting hard­er every day,

Unnec­es­sary cuts to ser­vices no mat­ter what we say,

Oh how we love, the NHS!


Oh how we love the NHS,

We love the work­ers who do their best,

Even though the politi­cians make deci­sions all the time,

With­out lis­ten­ing to the peo­ple scream­ing “lives are on the line,”

Oh how we love, the NHS!


Oh how we love the NHS,

We love the work­ers who do their best,

Under dif­fi­cult cir­cum­stances get­ting hard­er every day,

Unnec­es­sary cuts to ser­vices no mat­ter what we say,

Oh how we love, the NHS!


Score (pdf): Oh how we love the NHS

Audio parts for learning:

All parts:





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