Let Us Stand

This is just the cho­rus of a longer song by Kate Thomas, which has been sung wide­ly dur­ing XR, COP26 and ongo­ing cli­mate emer­gency protests.

You can hear Mar­cus sing the cho­rus here:

Mar­cus sings Let Us Stand chorus

Or lis­ten to an MP3 here: Let Us Stand mp3

Tune (high): Let Us Stand tune (high)

Har­mo­ny (low): Let Us Stand har­mo­ny (low)

Here is anoth­er video of the cho­rus sung by Louise Black­burn: YouTube

You can hear the whole song here, sung dur­ing lock­down by Brad­ford Voic­es: Brad­ford Voic­es on Facebook

You can con­nect with more of Kate’s music here: Kate Thomas pro­file at the Nat­ur­al Voice Network

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