I Want to Have a Little Bomb Like You

1. Charles de Gaulle he said to me,
I want to have a lit­tle bomb like you.
Inde­pen­dent I will be
I want to have a lit­tle bomb like you.
You can wave your Union Jack,
Stars and stripes are on the back,
I want to have a lit­tle bomb like you,
I want to have a lit­tle bomb like you.

2. Tri­dent subs are still our game.
We want to have a lit­tle bomb like you.
A hun­dred bil­lion down the drain,
‘Cos we want to have a lit­tle bomb like you.
That would buy a lot of schools,
Jobs for nurs­es, we’re the fools if
We pay to have a lit­tle bomb like you
Just to have a lit­tle bomb like you.

3. Every­body says the same,
I want to have a lit­tle bomb like you.
I am not the one to blame.
I want to have a lit­tle bomb like you.
Who will be the first to say,
“Throw the bloody things away,
I don’t wan­na be the first do you?
I don’t wan­na be the first do you?”

  • All:
  • Sopra­no:
  • Alto:
  • Tenor:
  • Bass:


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