Don’t Sell Our Healthcare

Don’t sell our health care, health care
Don’t sell our health care

1. In a chok­ing cloud of secre­cy they’re work­ing on a new trade deal
A treaty called TTIP has a suf­fo­cat­ing feel
We don’t care too much for prof­it, prof­it can’t buy our health

Don’t sell our health care, every­body needs it so,
Don’t sell our health care, no no no, no

2. Slick and quick like alley cats big com­pa­nies are on the kill
They’re prowl­ing around our ser­vices get­ting ready to take their fill
We don’t care too much for prof­it, prof­it can’t buy our health

Don’t sell our health care, every­body needs it so,
Don’t sell our health care, no no no, no

3. And the grasp­ing god of mon­ey will rule o’er all the land,
and safe­ty rules and labour rights will be snatched out of our hands
We don’t care too much for prof­it, prof­it can’t buy our health

Don’t sell our health care, every­body needs it so,
Don’t sell our health care, no no no, no

4. Schools and health and social care must be kept in pub­lic hands
So car­ing peo­ple every­where bet­ter hur­ry up and take a stand
We don’t care too much for prof­it, prof­it can’t buy our health,

Don’t sell our health care,
Health care
Don’t sell our health care, oh.

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