Scrap Trident Demo 30th November

On Sun­day Novem­ber 30th 2014, three bus­es packed with enthu­si­as­tic pro­test­ers set off from Edin­burgh to Faslane. We were going to link up there with peo­ple from all over Scot­land for the Scrap Tri­dent Demon­stra­tion. We had a good jour­ney and arrived at the Gare Loch, near Helens­burgh, at around 12noon in beau­ti­ful sun­shine. I think there were about 20 or so choir mem­bers from Protest in Har­mo­ny plus, of course, all three of our incred­i­ble song lead­ers, Pen­ny, Jane and Shereen. We had our ban­ner held high, and a wealth of won­der­ful peace songs to sing. We joined oth­ers at the South gate of the Base to walk the long road past the perime­ter fence up to the North gate. It was very mov­ing to see the Peace Camp on the oth­er side of the road, which was set up many years ago, and peo­ple still liv­ing there.
We sang our way to the North gate, pass­ing stalls„ metres of pink knit­ting, posters etc. to join thou­sands of fel­low pro­test­ers. There fol­lowed two hours of speech­es, music ‚drum­ming, and singing, It was a bit dis­ap­point­ing for us as it was dif­fi­cult to be heard but we tried our best! But what struck us with such force was, that here we were in the most incred­i­ble, mag­i­cal land­scape, sur­round­ed by dis­tant moun­tains, dra­mat­ic skies, and the blue of the Loch. And. like the thou­sands of pro­test­ers before us, we were stand­ing at the gates of this ter­ri­ble, hor­rif­ic blot on this beau­ti­ful land­scape. Hope­ful­ly, we will stand firm and nev­er, nev­er give up in our effort to remove it !


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