Not Afraid to Look: Solidarity with the people of Gaza

On Sat­ur­day 18th Jan­u­ary about 40 mem­bers of PIH sang as part of an inter­na­tion­al link in sol­i­dar­i­ty with the peo­ple of Gaza.
An excel­lent pho­to­graph­ic exhi­bi­tion; ‘Not Afraid to Look’, was host­ed by Out of the Blue in Lei­th. This dis­played some of the pho­to­graph­ic work of the late Tom Hurn­dall who was shot in the head by an Israeli sniper in Gaza 10 years ago. It also cel­e­brat­ed the life of activist Rachel Cor­rie, killed by an Israeli bull­doz­er as she stood protest­ing the demo­li­tion of a Pales­tin­ian home.
The ‘Boy­cott Song’ and ‘Wall around Jeri­cho’ were great­ly appre­ci­at­ed by Rachel’s par­ents who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Skype link up. The Gazan’s, whose ongo­ing resis­tance and amaz­ing spir­it inspired us, enjoyed the choir’s effort to sing a pop­u­lar song in Arabic.

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