March on Washington Solidarity Rally

Sat­ur­day 21st Jan­u­ary, 10.00 sharp, PIH ses­sion begins at QMH.
At 11.00 we will leave for the Amer­i­can Con­sulate on Regent Ter­race, aim­ing to be there by 11.30 to sing at the ‘March on Wash­ing­ton’ Sol­i­dar­i­ty Ral­ly; resist­ing dis­crim­i­na­tion and defend­ing those mar­gin­alised by the new Trump admin­is­tra­tion. (See https:/

This is ini­ti­at­ed by women but is not a women only event in USA or at any of the sis­ter marches.

Fri­day 20th, 5.30–7pm, Welling­ton stat­ue, east end of Princess Street; Stand Up to Trump’s Racism.

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