Grenfell Tower commemoration

Ear­ly evening on the 14th of June 2018 200 peo­ple gath­ered at the Mound precinct in Edin­burgh to join with oth­ers through­out the UK to mark the first anniver­sary of the Gren­fell fire. Large pic­tures of each of the vic­tims of that tragedy were held by peo­ple lin­ing Princes Street in silent vig­il for 30 min­utes. This was fol­lowed by: a state­ment from Jus­tice for Gren­fell read by Ali­son Mur­phy of the Edu­ca­tion­al Insti­tute of Scot­land; songs from Protest in Har­mo­ny; short speech­es from Leigh Craven, Liv­ing Rent, Heather Ford, Edin­burgh Ten­ants Fed­er­a­tion, Neil Find­lay, MSP and John McKen­zie of the Fire Brigades Union. The mov­ing event was closed with a final poem read by Mary Alexan­der of Unite. (The com­mem­o­ra­tion was organ­ised by Edin­burgh Trade Union Coun­cil and the images are by Craig McLean, Nation­al Union of Journalists)

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