Upcoming dates

We meet one Sat­ur­day each month to learn songs of free­dom and strug­gle from around the world. All are wel­come. No need to read music, no singing expe­ri­ence nec­es­sary – just come along with your enthu­si­asm and your voice! No book­ing is required – just turn up on the day – and bring your friends!

Meet­ings are usu­al­ly (but not always) on the sec­ond Sat­ur­day of each month, except for a sum­mer break, from 10am to 1pm.

Upcom­ing meet­ing dates for 2025 are:

  • Jan­u­ary 18th,
  • Feb­ru­ary 8th,
  • March 8th,
  • April 5th,
  • May 17th,
  • June 21st.

The venue is Broughton St. Mary’s Church, 12 Belle­vue Cres­cent, Edin­burgh EH3 6NE. It’s on the num­ber 8 and 9 bus routes, or a few min­utes walk from the 36, 23 or 27 routes. Bikes can be chained up in front of the building.

Please note: our May rehearsal will be at the Cel­e­bra­tion Hall at Bell­field in Por­to­bel­lo EH15 2BP

Since 7 Octo­ber 2023, mem­bers of Protest in Har­mo­ny have held a week­ly vig­il to grieve, to sing togeth­er and to keep call­ing for a cease­fire in Gaza and for an end to the 75-year-long Occu­pa­tion of Pales­tine. We sing for peace and safe­ty for every­one. Every­one. We meet every Fri­day from 12 noon — 1pm out­side St Giles Cathe­dral. All are wel­come to join us.

Choir leader Pen­ny Stone con­tin­ues to release song videos on her YouTube chan­nel Pen­ny Sings.

Petition for a Fossil Free Future

Scottish Parliament Edinburgh

From Beth who is coordinator for this event. Please reply to her if you are coming. Hello PIH singers As you know PIH will be singing at the handing in of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty petition (hopefully) to the … Continue reading

Vigil for Gaza

St Giles' Cathedral High Street, Edinburgh

We'll gather outside St Giles between 12 noon and 1pm. Many thanks to all who have joined us and keep joining us. It matters to so many people that we are visible and clear, whist sharing our beautiful songs.

Vigil for Gaza

St Giles' Cathedral High Street, Edinburgh

We'll gather outside St Giles between 12 noon and 1pm. Many thanks to all who have joined us and keep joining us. It matters to so many people that we are visible and clear, whist sharing our beautiful songs.

Vigil for Gaza

St Giles' Cathedral High Street, Edinburgh

We'll gather outside St Giles between 12 noon and 1pm. Many thanks to all who have joined us and keep joining us. It matters to so many people that we are visible and clear, whist sharing our beautiful songs.

Vigil for Gaza

St Giles' Cathedral High Street, Edinburgh

We'll gather outside St Giles between 12 noon and 1pm. Many thanks to all who have joined us and keep joining us. It matters to so many people that we are visible and clear, whist sharing our beautiful songs.

Celebrate Nihon Hidankyo winning the Nobel Peace Prize

Scottish Parliament Edinburgh

Tuesday 10 December 5.30pm vigil at Holyrood and walk to Queen Elizabeth House to celebrate Nihon Hidankyo winning the Nobel Peace Prize The grassroots movement of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, also known as Hibakusha, is receiving the … Continue reading

Vigil for Gaza

St Giles' Cathedral High Street, Edinburgh

We'll gather outside St Giles between 12 noon and 1pm. Many thanks to all who have joined us and keep joining us. It matters to so many people that we are visible and clear, whist sharing our beautiful songs.

PiH rehearsal

Broughton St Mary’s Church 12 Bellevue Crescent, Edinburgh

We've booked the venue from 9.30 to set up, so please come by a few minutes before 10.00 so that we can start sharp. We have been asked to keep the front door shut unless there is someone in the … Continue reading


Edinburgh Climate Activists Christmas Social

Student Housing Coop 28 & 34 Wright's Houses, Edinburgh

Edinburgh Climate Activists Christmas Social at Student Housing Coop. Bring and share food (preferably vegan and gluten free) and drink. There will be climate carols (see attached pdf) for which we are particularly invited. There may be on street carol … Continue reading

Vigil for Gaza

St Giles' Cathedral High Street, Edinburgh

We'll gather outside St Giles between 12 noon and 1pm. Many thanks to all who have joined us and keep joining us. It matters to so many people that we are visible and clear, whist sharing our beautiful songs.