Words: Arthur Hagg, Arr. John Jordan
Adapted: Protest in Harmony
A nice young man was William Brown,
He worked for a wage in a northern town.
He worked from six till eight at night,
Turning a wheel from left to right.
Keep that wheel a‑turning (×3)
And do a little more each day.
The boss one day to William came
And said “Look here, young what’s your name.
We’re not content with what you do.
So turn a little harder or out you go.”
So William turned and made her run
Three times round in the place of one.
He turned so hard he soon was made
Lord High Turner of the trade.
William turned with the same sweet smile,
The goods he made grew such a pile;
They filled the room and the room next door,
And overflowed in the basement floor.
The nation heard the wondrous tale,
The news appeared in the Sketch and Mail;
The railways ran excursions down,
All to see young William Brown.
But sad the sequel is to tell
He turned out more than the boss could sell.
The markets slumped and the price went down
Seven more days and they sacked young Brown.