War Machine, The

  1. In east­ern skies the great hawks fly
    Over blood­ied hills where chil­dren die
    And the instru­ments of tyran­ny
    Were bought from Britain plc
    As the war machine goes round

    And the war machine rolls round and round
    And the poor and the weak get tram­pled on the ground
    And from where we stand their cries are drowned
    By the clink of the franc and the dol­lar and the pound
    As the war machine rolls round

  2. And the pris­on­er sleep­ing where he fell
    Will awake to one more day of hell
    From a US baton’s sear­ing pain
    His body bound by a Sheffield chain
    As the war machine rolls round.
  3. We’ve an indus­try that lives and thrives
    Mak­ing tools to shat­ter human lives
    And our hon­est work­ers ply their skill
    Help­ing dis­tant tyrants maim and kill
    As the war machine goes round.
  4. It is time my friends for us to say
    We will not sell death to earn our pay
    It is time for arms exports to cease
    For the world can nev­er live in peace
    While the war machine rolls round.


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