Stop Rosebank!

Stop Rose­bank! (x4) No new oil and gas!
Stop Rose­bank! (x4)  Stop Rose­bank Now!

1.Fossil fuel prof­its are outrageous
Stop Rose­bank! (x4)
(Alto tenor bass)
Run­away cli­mate change is very dangerous!
(All) No drilling! No drilling in the North Sea!

(Bass) Bm bm bm…
Stop Rose­bank! (x4) No new oil and gas!
Stop Rose­bank! (x4)  Stop Rose­bank Now!

  1. No new licens­es in the North Sea
    Stop Rose­bank! (x4)
    (Alto tenor bass)
    We’re in an eco­log­i­cal emergency
    (All) No drilling! No drilling in the North Sea!

[Either Bass ‘Bm bm bm’ and loop again or end with]
Stop Rose­bank Now

Audio tracks can be found at

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