Movin’ On Song

1. Born in the mid­dle of the after­noon
in a horse drawn wag­on on the old A5
The big 12 wheel­ers shook me bed
you can’t stop here the police­man said
You bet­ter get born in some­place else
Move along, get along,
Move along , get along
Go, Move, shift!

2. Born at the tat­tie lift­ing time
In an old bow tent near a tat­tie field
The fairmer says the work’s aa done
It’s time that you wis movin’ on
You’d bet­ter get born in some place else
Move along, get along, etc…

3. Born on a com­mon near a build­ing site,
Where the ground is rut­ted wi’ trail­ers’ wheels
The local peo­ple said to me
You low­er the price of prop­er­ty
You’d bet­ter get born in some place else
Move along, get along, etc…

4. Born in a coun­try full of war and fear
You flee to Britain where you think it’s safe
The politi­cians say to me
Not want­ed here as a refugee
We’re send­ing you back from where you came
Move along, get along, etc…

5. Liv­ing in Dun­gav­el or in Yarlswood
Chil­dren impris­oned in deten­tion camps
They come for you at the crack of dawn
And herd you onto a wait­ing plane
The gov­ern­ment says ‘œNo Asy­lum Here‘
Move along, get along, etc…



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