More Than A Paycheck

Y.M. Barnwell, 1981

We bring more than a pay­check to our loved ones and fam’lies.
We bring more than a pay­check to our loved ones and fam’lies
. (x4)

I want­ed more pay.
But what I’ve got today
is more than I bar­gained for
when I walked through your door.

I bring home
brown lung,
black lung disease.
And radi­a­tion hits the chil­dren before they’ve even been conceived.

We bring more than a pay­check to our loved ones and family.
We bring more than a pay­check to our loved ones and fam­i­ly
. (x2)

Well now, work­ers lend an ear.
‘cause it’s impor­tant that you know.
With every job there is the fear
that dis­ease will take its toll.
If not dis­ease, then injury may befall your lot.
If not injury, then stress is going to tie you up in knots. (so we bring home)

We bring more than a pay­check to our loved ones and family.
We bring more than a pay­check to our loved ones and fam­i­ly.

Tune (mid):




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More Than A Paycheck


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