Another World

In an epi­logue to her 2014 analy­sis of the destruc­tive impact of glob­al neolib­er­ali­ism on India Cap­i­tal­ism: A Ghost Sto­ry, Arund­hati Roy offers an elo­quent trib­ute to the Occu­py move­ment after it was evict­ed from Zucot­ti Park. Despite Roy’s scathing analy­sis of the injus­tices and rav­ages of cap­i­tal­ism and its polit­i­cal pup­pets, she is filled with hope that “anoth­er world is not only pos­si­ble, she’s on her way. On a qui­et day I can hear her breathing.”

Anoth­er world is not only possible,
She is on her way.
On a qui­et day I can hear her breathing,
I can hear her breathing

Low 1:
Can you hear her breath­ing? (×8)

Low 2:
In and out and in and out and,
In and out and in and out (×2)

Lis­ten, lis­ten to her breathing,
Lis­ten, lis­ten to her breath­ing (×2)


Tune — comes in after one round of both low parts together:

Low 1:

Low 2 – comes in after 4 bars:

Mid – comes in after one round of tune plus low parts:

High – comes in after one round of tune and mid plus low parts:

Anoth­er World score

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