1. Name: Protest in Harmony Singing Group (PiH)
2. Aims: (a) To provide an opportunity for people to come together and sing protest songs from around the world.
(b) In consultation with members, to support events and demonstrations that are in line with the values of the group.
(c) To celebrate cultural diversity and promote social change through song.
3. Objectives: The group shall:
(a) organise monthly singing sessions throughout the year.
(b) organise occasional special events according to the wishes of the membership.
(c) employ group leaders to lead each singing session.
4. Membership: Membership of the group is open to all who support its aims and objectives, and have paid the annual membership fee.
5. Committee: The committee will consist of three office-bearers — Chair, Treasurer, and Membership Secretary (amended May 2015)- and two or more Ordinary Members. The committee will co-opt additional members as required.
The committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Committee members must stand down at each AGM, but will be eligible for re-election. As a guideline, members should aim to serve on the committee for a minimum of two years, if possible. Also, in normal circumstances, members should aim to withdraw from the committee after a period of service of about 5 years, assuming that willing replacements are available.
Long-serving members who have stepped down will subsequently be at liberty to offer themselves to serve a second term, after an appropriate ‘sabbatical’ period.
(Amended 10.03.07)
The committee will be responsible for the day-to-day running of Protest in Harmony with particular emphasis on :-
- Organisation of Meetings
- Liaison with Group Leaders
- Membership Fees
- Communication to and between members
- Remuneration of Group Leaders
- Organising participation in events and demonstrations
- Organising AGM and other members meetings.
The committee will meet from time to time as required.
A quorum of committee members shall be three.
6. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
An AGM will be held once a year — not less than 10 months and not more than 15 months after the previous AGM (Amended 11.04.06) and will be open to all members of the Group. The committee will give 21 days notice of an AGM.
The purpose of the AGM will be to :-
- report on and review the years activities,
- receive the accounts for the year
- discuss and approve a policy plan and budget for the coming year,
- elect the committee,
- Discuss and approve any other matters such as proposed changes to the constitution.
Changes to the Constitution will require 14 days written notice to the members (Amended 11.04.06) and a 2⁄3 majority vote of those attending the AGM.
Decisions made at general meetings and AGMs will preferably be made by consensus, or, if this proves impossible, by majority vote, except in the case of a motion to wind up the organisation. (See para. 9)
The quorum for an AGM shall be 10 members or ¼ of the membership whichever is the larger.
7. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
An Extraordinary General Meeting can be called at the request of one quarter of the membership of the Group. 21 days notice shall be given to members by the Chairperson prior to an EGM.
8. Financial Powers
To fulfill its aims and objectives the Group may:
- set and collect a membership fee,
- charge fees for any performances or activities deemed appropriate by the committee.
The funds of the organisation shall be applied solely for the aims and objectives of the organisation as stated above.
No member of the organisation shall receive any remuneration or other financial benefit from the organisation or its activities other than reimbursement of properly incurred expenses or payment of approved fees for services rendered.
The organisation will open and operate such bank accounts in its name as the committee deems necessary. Cheques may be issued on and withdrawals made from such bank accounts on two signatures of committee members, one of whom shall be Treasurer or Chairperson.
9. Winding up the Group:
If, on calling an EGM, 2⁄3 of those present and eligible to vote as current members of the organisation decide to wind up the Group any unspent funds held by the Group at that time will be donated to an organisation with similar aims and objectives to those of the Group.
The above Constitution of Protest in Harmony was adopted by the AGM held at St George’s West, Shandwick Place, Edinburgh on 11th February 2005, and amended at AGMs on 11th March 2006, 10th March 2007, 9th May 2009 and 16th May 2015.
Chairperson: John Ireson
Secretary: Graeme Thomas