Stroove 22nd to 24th March 2013
May 1, 2013 by Hilery
This will go down in PIH annals as the Winter Wonderland Stroove. It is a real testament to PIH members dogged perseverance that everyone managed to make it either arriving by car, bus or train. Even a major breakdown in the middle lane of the A8 did not put people … Continue reading
Singing in parliament as New Zealand legalises same-sex marriage
April 17, 2013 by Chris
New Zealand passed a bill allowing legal same-sex marriage Wednesday, prompting a jubilant celebration in the House of Representatives. The bill passed with 77 in favour and 44 against, making New Zealand the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to legalize same-sex marriage, reports BBC News. As the speaker read … Continue reading
Scrap Trident Demonstration 13th April 2013
April 17, 2013 by Hilery
It was an early start for the choir to arrive at George Square in Glasgow for the Scrap Trident demo, but we were there in good numbers to join with our fledgling sister choir. It was a well-attended march which had unfortunately been granted a rather short route. We were … Continue reading
Axe the Bedroom Tax Day, March 30th
April 8, 2013 by Hilery
Saturday 30 March 2013 — Axe the Bedroom Tax Day We gathered at the corner of St Andrew Square, a group of some 15–20 Protest singers well wrapped up and ready to give voice to the Bedroom Tax protest. Our song sheets contained a mix of golden oldies and some … Continue reading
Scrap Trident demonstration, April 13th.
April 8, 2013 by Hilery
At last after long negotiations with Glasgow City Council the Scrap Trident Coalition can now announce that the assembly point for the march and the venue for the rally and speakers following it will be George Square. Assemble George Square 10.15amMarch starts 10.45amRally George Square 11.45am to 1.15pmThis means that … Continue reading
Buy Nothing Day video
December 3, 2012 by Protest in Harmony
Here’s a video of the singing for Buy Nothing Day: Thanks to Daniel Killeen for this!
Solidarity with people of Gaza
November 16, 2012 by Hilery
As many people are aware, there will be a demonstration in Edinburghtomorrow in solidarity with the people of Gaza, calling for an end to’Operation Pillar of Cloud’. Shereen is going, and otherPiH-ers plan to be there. We will have songsheets, and it would begood to have as many folk as possible to … Continue reading
Rise up singing
August 26, 2012 by Protest in Harmony
The Rise up Singing weekend will be Saturday September 15th — Monday September 17th 2012. Rise Up Singing info sheet Registration form Here is some more information about the event: Rise Up Singing September 2012 songsheet (words of mass songs and some others to sing) Words and recordings of the … Continue reading
Glasgow workshops
August 26, 2012 by Protest in Harmony
Due to popular demand we will be having two trial protest in harmony sessions in Glasgow in September to see if there is an appetite for more regular sessions out west.Both sessions will be at the Unitarian Church, 72 Berkeley Street, Glasgow G3 7DS, which is an accessible building. Dates … Continue reading
Bhopal Survivors’ Tour
August 22, 2012 by Protest in Harmony
Invitation to PIH to sing 7pm on Friday, 14 September 2012, Augustine Church, Edinburgh Scottish Friends of Bhopal is involved in organising a tour of Britain and Ireland of two Bhopal survivors in September of this year. The survivors will be in Scotland from 14–18 September. On Friday the 14th, they will be speaking to a public … Continue reading