‘Leave the oil in the ground, sing out now, sing out now’
October 12, 2015 by Hilery
Protest in Harmony sang with the ‘hundreds of people who joined hands along the Forth Road Bridge yesterday to take a stand against new gas-drilling tactics in Scotland. Joining hands from one side of the two-and-a-half kilometre bridge to the other, protesters from all over Scotland and further afield gathered … Continue reading
Edinburgh welcomes refugees, Sept. 12th 2015
September 25, 2015 by Hilery
We sang and sang, and sang — at rehearsal, on the Royal Mile, outside the Parliament — to show how Edinburgh welcomes refugees.
Conscientious Objectors Memorial concert
June 25, 2015 by Hilery
IMG_2217 On Saturday 20th June Protest In Harmony took part in a moving celebration of conscientious objectors held at the Pleasance Cabaret Bar. ‘Unsung Heroes’ was organised by the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre to raise money towards a Conscientious Objectors Memorial in Edinburgh, and to remember those who have … Continue reading
Vigil for Conscientious Objectors, past and present
May 15, 2015 by Hilery
Protest in Harmony joined friends from the Peace and Justice Centre for a vigil commemorating Conscientious Objectors today, 15th May 2015. We paused after each verse of ‘Tell me the Names of the Unsung Heroes’ while names of some of the CO from Edinburgh were read out. Others talked of … Continue reading
Chair Report May 2015
May 14, 2015 by Hilery
It has been a busy year for Protest in Harmony, it started relatively quietly, but then things grew apace. The choir numbers have continued to grow, new blood is always important in any organisation. We are always looking for ways to encourage diversity. The Committee believe that the changes introduced … Continue reading
May Day March
May 3, 2015 by Hilery
‘Solidarity for ever, the union makes us strong’. Protest in Harmony members made a joyful noise, along with drummers and a pipe band, on the May Day March from Middle Meadow walk to the Pleasance where a rally was held on May 2nd. We only sang a handful of the … Continue reading
Body Bags on Portobello Beach
May 1, 2015 by Hilery
About 15 singers joined Amnesty campaigners as they launched the “Don’t Let Them Drown” campaign on Sunday 26th April. Volunteers zipped themselves into body bags on Portobello beach to highlight “the UK’s shameful response to the rapidly escalating migrant crisis in the Mediterranean”. This was a very moving occasion — … Continue reading
International Workers’ Memorial Day
May 1, 2015 by Hilery
International Workers’ Memorial Day 28th April 2015 Protest in Harmony is proud to be part of this moving ceremony which is held annually at the Workers’ Memorial Day Tree in Princes Street Gardens. We join with politicians, trade unionists, workers and family members to remember those who have tragically lost … Continue reading
Scrap Trident: Bairns not Bombs
April 16, 2015 by Hilery
Protest in Harmony made a strong showing at the March and Rally against Trident on 4th April, with our very own Penny Stone leading some singing from the stage in George Square, Glasgow. About a dozen of us set off at the crack of dawn on 13th April to … Continue reading
Residential Weekend
March 30, 2015 by Hilery
‘In the end we shall have had enough cynicism, skepticism and humbug and we shall want to live more musically’. So said Vincent Van Gogh. I think he would have loved Protest in Harmony’s latest residential weekend at the Well Road Centre in Moffat. 33 of us, including our 3 … Continue reading